Megaera Mitología griega María Elena Molina Megaera continues to taunt Kratos as he continues to pursue her throughout the Prison of the Damned. Con la ayuda de su hermana Tisífone pelearan y sera una batalla dura ya que sera ataques físicos y mágicos a distancia también se protegerán una ala otra. After commandeering another infected hand, the Spartan manages to reach Megaera's perch on Aegaeon's eye, impaling her stomach with one of his blades. Subscribe to this thread. Share this on Facebook (opens in a new window) Share this on Twitter (opens in a new window) Aaron Kaufman Senior Community Strategist, Santa Monica Studio Play Video. One of Megaera's comments to Kratos implies that she disdains Ares for his desire to have Kratos returned to his service, despite the Spartan being the keystone of Ares and the Furies' plan to destroy Olympus. In present time (the beginning of the game, the camera is shown from Kratos perspective giving a dramatic effect), a one-armed and angered Megaera wakes a bound and wounded Kratos from his sleep by landing fiercely in front of him. Megaera is also seen as the "Troublemaker Fury" since she had destroyed most of the Prison of the Damned, Megaera insults Kratos' fighting ability by telling him, "You fight like an. Evil-doer; Background information; Origin: God Of War: Ascension: Hero information; Full name: Megaera Alias: Megaera Occupation: Member of the Furies, Goddess of Vengeance Powers / Skills: Superhuman strength, Immortality, Spider-like arms, can summon parasite-like creature 1 Mitología Griega 2 God of War: Ascension 3 Poderes y Habilidades 4 Curiosidades 5 Galería 6 Artículos relacionados Megera se presenta como una criatura… When Kratos was imprisoned, Megaera appeared in front of him. Estado Kratos pelea contra varios soldados espartanos hasta que Megera aparece desde atrás de una reja metálica entrando al campo de batalla. God of War Ascension - Unchained - Hecatonchires In Megaera's Grasp. Kratos dazed, Megaera draws her spider like-appendages. Later after torturing Kratos, Kratos cuts her chest, breaking through her armor and cutting her abdomen. N/A Location Female She has a golden fury chest plate that perfectly fits the midsection of her body and outlines her stomach area, protecting her chest and stomach. Megaera is one of the three Furies, or Erinyes, in Greek mythology. Megaera is one of the Furies who pursue Kratos for breaking his bond with Ares. Megaera and Tisiphone hold Orkos in place as Alecto captures Kratos and takes him to be tortured within the prison of Aegeon the Hecatonchires. Kratos con mucha furia patea su cara, luego le da un puñetazo en la cara y en el estomago y golpea su cabeza contra y a través de un pilar. Nika Futterman Megera era una de las tres Furias, junto con sus hermanas Alecto y Tisífone, encargadas de sentenciar a los culpables por sus crímenes cometidos. Kratos is then subdued by the third Fury, Alecto, but before she or her sisters can apprehend him, they are stopped by the appearance of Orkos, who saves Kratos by teleporting them to a separate part of the statue away from the Furies. Una vez que Kratos rechaza la esclavitud en la prisión y logra escapar, Megera y sus hermanas harán de Kratos su principal objetivo. The Fury then slashes at him with her claws whilst a huge metal collar holds him in place. The insect creatures latch into and burrow underneath the skin of any living creatures and control them. She has 4 spider-like appendages that can retract from her back at will. She summons parasites from her chest and they latch on to caged humans in order to transform them into insect-like monsters. Interestingly, her spider legs and parasite minions have green carapaces, a color commonly associated with envy.
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