Present perfect continuous ( I have been working ) - gramática inglés y uso de palabras en "English Grammar Today" - Cambridge University Press a) We do'nt work in a bank. Present continuous negatives. We can also use the present continuous to talk about something that is happening now, but not necessarily at the moment when we are speaking. 1 he / play / tennis ( ) 2 they / learn / Spanish ( ) 3 you / play / football (?) (or You're not listening.) we / go / to school (?) Presente de indicativo ist die spanische Zeitform der Gegenwart im Indikativ und entspricht in etwa dem deutschen Präsens.Wir benutzen diese Zeitform im Spanischen für Handlungen in der Gegenwart und Zukunft. c) We don't work in a bank. She isn't going home until Monday. they / speak / French ( ) They aren’t speaking French. Bei der Konjugation müssen wir Verben auf -ar, -er und -ir unterscheiden.. Einleitung. 4) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Present? El Present Continuous (se llama también Present Progressive) se utiliza para acciones y procesos que todavía no han acabado y que tienen lugar ahora en el presente. Present Simple Present Continuous I work from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Use the present continuous for actions happening at the moment or current/temporary projects. 14 Present continuous: affirmative, negative, questions and short answers (1) 2 Escribe las frases en forma afirmativa, negativa o como pregunta. (or She's not going home until Monday.) Are we going to school? she / teach / English ( ) She’s teaching English. He is not reading a book. d) He not read a book. – LEARNING ENGLISH ONLINE Simple Present - Test 1 - page 1 We make negatives by putting not (or n't) after am, is or are: I'm not doing that. I’m currently working on a new project. Conjugar verbo live en inglés en todos los tiempos verbales: presente, pasado, futuro, subjuntivo, imperfecto y más. They aren't coming to the party. (or They're not coming to the party.) b) We does not work in a bank. Use the simple present for actions that happen in general. Con nuestra herramienta podrás conjugar verbos en inglés: sólo tienes que introducir un verbo en inglés y automáticamente obtendrás las tablas de conjugación de todos sus tiempos verbales. Mark studie Pueden ocurrir en el momento de hablar, pero también desarrollarse por un período más largo. 2. In this case, time expressions such as “currently”, “lately” or “these days” might be used. You aren't listening.
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