predictions with will and going to exercises

4. The flight departs at 9 pm. 5A: What are your plans after you leave university? I 'm going to takewill to take'll take a look. I 'll buygoing to buy'm going to buy some. B: I will to dowill do'm going to do some homework on the train. B: Don't worry. Free Practice Tests for learners of English. There are two ways to talk about the future.. We use the future simple (with will) to make a general prediction and to begoing to to predict the near future which seems sure to happen. Predictions Use will to talk about something that you think will happen.. (To talk about time-tabled future events, we use simple present tense.) 5. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Will and be going to exercises. Use will to talk about something that you think will happen. B: I 'm going to turngoing to turn'll turn the heating on. B: Really? You are going to fall. 4A: I’m really cold. They have different structures. I think he’ ll win the election. Advertisements. 7A: Why are you carrying your laptop? The doctor said I’ m going to have a girl. B: Because I going to visit'm going to visit'll visit my mother in Scotland next month. B: I 'll work'm going to workgoing to work in a hospital in Africa. Hope you like it! 3. :) Compare: Use will for decisions that you take at the moment of speaking (instant decisions). For example: — “I believe I will be at the airport at 22:30, my flight is at midnight” = I am making a prediction. B: I know. ; Use be going to to talk about something that you see is going to happen (there is present evidence).. Don’t drive like a crazy man. Use be going to to talk about something that you see is going to happen (there is present evidence). 2A: We don’t have any bread. Learn English online Sometimes there’s little difference between will  and be going to for predictions. He will be a good doctor. B: Oh no, I forgot! Elementary and intermediate level esl. We’ re going to have an accident! Careful! Use be going to for decisions that you have already taken at the moment of speaking (intentions or plans). will / be going to for prediction 6A: All the lights have gone off! By continuing you agree to our use of cookies. Forms . 3A: Why do you need to borrow my suitcase? I 'll get'm going to getwill to get some from the shop then. future tense exercise. She is going to / will graduate next year. He is very hard-working. 7. Elementary and intermediate level esl. 9A: Did you remember to buy the tickets? 10If you take a look at this graphic, you can see that the economy is going to getwill getis going get worse very soon. I took some money from your purse. I’m going to meet your dad tomorrow afternoon. I 'm going to buy'll buywill to buy them online now. Exercises: will and be going to. 1A: We don’t have any bread. Use WILL for predictions, to talk about things we think or believe will happen in the future. 6. 8A: I can't find my keys. Futures tenses in English. B: I 'm going to help'll helpwill to help you look for them. (If there is external evidence we use ‘going to’ to make future predictions.) Futures tenses in English.

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