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This information is used solely for internal marketing purposes and for the production of whichever event you have registered for. During the Event, imagery will be produced for the purposes of documentation, the accompanying or subsequent media coverage and subsequent publicity for the event, as well as for the advertising of later events. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. The model is used to generate predictions of sensory input that are compared to actual sensory input. Email (function(){var ml="4poaimt%nurcdg0es. Knowledge is everything! Payment in full for Super Early Bird and Early Bird registrations must be received within two weeks of the cut-off date for that price point. and a business card for on-site registration, to refuse access or even to exclude certain individuals from the Event. For information on the approval of photo and video material, please contact us at. All Prices are exclusive of 16% MwSt. Datasets. With your booking you get access to all Predictive Analytics World sessions, all Marketing Analytics Summit sessions, networking opportunities and sponsor information. obligations that enable the due performance of the contract and upon which the co-contractor can rely as a matter of course. Rising Media, Inc. assumes no liability for the acts of its suppliers nor for the safety of any event participant while traveling to or from this event. As a general guide, non-contiguous clips of one minute or less should be used. In submitting an online application, you are making an offer to participate in the Event. Until the entry fee is paid in full, we are under no obligation to grant you access to the Event. In this case, the extent of the liability is limited to typically occurring, foreseeable damage. Should you be photographed, we will ensure that your right to privacy is not unreasonably affected by the use of the imagery. You will be informed in good time of any such change. The damage to be compensated shall be limited in the case of grossly negligent conduct by a simple agent of ours to typically occurring, foreseeable damage. Datasets are used for any type of predictive models. This type of data-driven approach to account-based sales development has had a powerful effect on our team’s results. If an attendee is unable/does not wish to take advantage of this offer then it is the attendee’s responsibility to raise the matter with his or her insurance company. If you have any concerns with how your personal data may be being used please contact us at Predictive analytics models “take into account not only the complexity of the project (both the functional and implementation aspects) but also the complexity of the team environment.” Predictive analytics at work: More accurate internal project management, in … You will also receive all recordings (stream) and presentations (download) that have been authorised by the speakers. This comparison results in prediction errors that are then used to update and revise the mental model. We use this information for invoicing purposes and to fulfill your orders. By registering for a Rising Media event, you agree to receive e-mail notifications about future Rising Media events and other Rising Media products and services. All Prices in EUR (Euro). We do not link the information we store in cookies to any personally identifiable information you submit while on our site. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to ensure that Rising Media (we) interact with all of our customers in line with current legislation such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and in accordance with their wishes. ",o="";for(var j=0,l=mi.length;j

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