Also in 1951 he became director of research at the Biological Humanics Foundation in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Sheldon considera tal tarea fundamental para hacer psicología realmente útil en la vida cotidiana de las personas. Psicólogo americano, William Herbert Sheldon nació en 1898, en Cambridge, Massachusetts y obtuvo un doctorado en Psicología en la Universidad de Chicago en 1931. Corrections? He was deeply inspired by the work of famous philosopher and psychologist, William James. Resúmenes y análisis de numerosas obras populares de autores contemporáneos y clásicos. Sheldon classified people according to three body types: endomorphs, who are rounded and soft, were said to have a tendency toward a “viscerotonic” personality (i.e., relaxed, comfortable, extroverted); mesomorphs, who are square and muscular, were said to have a tendency toward a “somotonic” personality (i.e., active, dynamic, assertive, aggressive); and ectomorphs, who are thin and fine-boned, were said to have a tendency toward a “cerebrotonic” personality (i.e., introverted, thoughtful, inhibited, sensitive). Tal hecho implicó, para Sheldon, un casi permanente conflicto con las perspectivas dominantes, en aquel momento, en la Psicología americana. Aprende de una forma sencilla con presentaciones en documentos interactivos online de diferentes áreas educativas. Entre 1938 y 1977 (año de su muerte), William H. Sheldon trabajó como investigador a tiempo completo en las principales universidades americanas e institutos, especialmente las universidades de Harvard, Columbia, California, Oregon y para el Center for Research in Human Constitutional Variation (en Cambridge, Massachusetts). El primer trabajo de Sheldon, Psychology and the Promethean Will (1936), en la que el autor defiende la importancia de la psicología en el tratamiento de los problemas producidos por las sociedades modernas, haciéndose especialmente importante por el hecho de constituir la base filosófica para los Alcohólicos Anónimos. Como define la personalidad En la `década de 1940. Sheldon. Academia virtualizada con contenidos enciclopédicos en nuestra hemeroteca educativa con contenidos de referencia ampliados. in 1933. Sheldon desarrolló la teoría de que hay tres tipos de masas de base, o somatotipos (endodermo, mesodermo y La ruta no convencional que escogió para su recorrido académico y su filosofía de vida transformaron a Sheldon en una personalidad tan fascinante como su obra. El médico y psicólogo William Herbert Sheldon, professor de la Universidad de Columbia, en Nueva York, sobresalió como investigador de la constitución física. In 1951, after having worked at various universities, Sheldon joined the University of Oregon Medical School, where he became distinguished professor of medicine and director of the constitution clinic, which examined the relationships between physical characteristics and disease; he remained there until his retirement in 1970. in 1933. Black Friday Sale! Sería todavía compañero de importantes nombres de investigación en Psicología Constitutiva, como Nolan Lewis y Emil Hartl. Władysław Gomułka (06 de febrero de 1905, Krosno – 1 de septiembre de 1982) fue un líder comunista polaco. He claimed that a body type could be linked with the personality of that person. Nuestros articulos son redactados y publicados bajo licencia de uso libre. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Influenced by the pragmatism of American philosopher and psychologist William James and by his background as a naturalist who had also studied animals, Sheldon became convinced that the psychological makeup of humans had biological foundations. 1949, Varieties of Delinquent Youth (com E. M. Hartl e E. McDermott). He felt certain that the psychological tendencies of the human mind had He says that a fat person with a large bone structure tends to have an outgoing and more relaxed personality while a more muscular body-typed person is more active and aggressive. In the 1940's, William Herbert Sheldon associated body types with human temperament types. Sheldon attended the University of Chicago, where he received a Ph.D. in psychology in 1926 and an M.D. Escuelapedia es un proyecto educativo gratuito actualizado por sus colaboradores. Copyright., Age of the Sage - Transmitting the Wisdoms of the Ages - Biography of William Sheldon. Psicólogo americano, William Herbert Sheldon nació en 1898, en Cambridge, Massachusetts y obtuvo un doctorado en Psicología en la Universidad de Chicago en 1931. William Sheldon, (born November 19, 1898, Warwick, Rhode Island, U.S.—died September 16, 1977, Cambridge, Massachusetts), American psychologist and physician who was best known for his theory associating physique, personality, and delinquency. RASGOS DE PERSONALIDAD MESOMORFO aventurero valiente indiferencia a lo que otros piensan o quieren competitivo. Co-author of, …1930s more elaborate studies by William H. Sheldon in the United States developed a system for assigning a three-digit somatotype number to people, each digit with a range from 1 to 7. In Sheldon’s system, human beings can be classified as to body build in terms of three extreme body types: endomorphic, or round, fat type; mesomorphic, or muscular type; and ectomorphic, or slim, linear type. Sheldon no se detuvo en los números. Professor, Criminal Justice and Sociology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park.
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